本校學生Mao-chuan Tsao曹懋泉和Jacob參加2022年華僑救國聯合總會的僑聯文教基金會舉辦的繪畫比賽榮獲佳作,本校師生咸感振奮。Mao-chuan Tsao曹懋泉和Jacob是本校繪畫班的學生,在本校文桂川老師的指導下,繪畫技巧有長足的進步。此次他們兩人分別報名6~9歲及10~13歲的比賽,在眾多競爭者中獲此獎項,不只是他們個人的努力獲得肯定,本校也備感殊榮。
本校學生Leonardo Raguindin 和Ariel Raguindin參加2021年華僑救國聯合總會的僑聯文教基金會舉辦的繪畫比賽榮獲佳作,本校師生咸感振奮。Leonardo Raguindin 和Ariel Raguindin是本校繪畫班的學生,在本校文桂川老師的指導下,繪畫技巧有長足的進步。此次他們兄妹兩人分別報名10~13歲及6~9歲的比賽,在眾多競爭者中獲此獎項,不只是他們個人的努力獲得肯定,本校也備感殊榮。
師資陣容堅強,教學認真,校外競賽更迭創佳績。2010年Millbrae市春季藝展(Millbrae Spring Art Show)中,六藝語文學校的學生榮獲國畫第一名、第三名等獎,以及「老中地方新聞」舉辦的畫圖比賽,各組皆獲前三名!不但是學生屢獲獎項,指導老師也得獎無數。美術老師謝成 2010年以水彩畫「人物」奪得Burlingame Spring Art Show的全場總冠軍,靜物畫與風景畫得第二名、抽象畫得第三名。2010年的海華文藝季青少年才藝展,由傅旭芳老師指導的古箏獲傑出獎。
Piano Teacher
Selena Woo
Piano Teacher
Leanna Loi Education:
Piano Teacher
Niyang Wang
A+ Music Academy (欣欣音樂教室)
Piano Group Lesson
Piano Group Lesson Admissions
Beginner class Teaching method: 1: 6/1:8/1:10 Enrollment age: 4 years old+ Class time: 45 minutes Course advantages: Compared with one-to-one teaching, the teaching form of group classes has obvious advantages and features. In class, students have the opportunity to learn from each other, and new motivation and competition will naturally form. For junior students, they not only have their own time to learn piano, but also can learn to listen to lectures, enrich works, and learn from other people's problems during the course of class. Diversified classrooms, performance forms and rich and comprehensive teaching content enable students to not just move their fingers boringly, but to truly cultivate students' musical literacy and achieve the purpose of quality education. In the form of teaching, teacher-student interaction and interaction between classmates can be adopted, so that students can really feel that they are enjoying music and learning music in a pleasant learning atmosphere. Course content: understand the basic knowledge of the piano, initially learn and master the basic playing hand shapes and postures, through learning small pieces and practicing small pieces, students can consolidate the basic performance skills they have learned, and further improve students' ability to learn piano interests and hobbies. Cultivate students' cognitive ability to the music they play, and initially learn the practice of basic skills such as scales to lay a solid foundation. Piano students can continue to take one-on-one piano lessons after graduating from the piano group class, and recommend students to take the piano grade exam! |
初級班 授課方式:1對6/1對8/ 1對10 招生對象:4歲以上 上課時間:45 min 課程優勢:相對於一對一的教學,團體班教學形式的優勢明顯,特點突出。在課上學生們有了相互學習的機會,而且有了新的動力、競爭。對於初級學生既擁有了屬於自己的學琴時間,又能在上課的過程中,學會聽課,豐富作品,借鑒別人出現的問題。多樣化的課堂、演奏形式和豐富全面的教學內容,使學生不單單是枯燥乏味的動動手指,而是真正培養學生的音樂素養,達到素質教育的目的。在教學形式上可以採取師生互動,同學間的互動形式,使學生真正感受到是在愉快的學習環境中享受音樂。 課程內容:了解鋼琴的基本常識,初步學習並掌握基本彈奏的手型與姿勢,通過學習小樂曲和部分手指練習小曲,使學生能鞏固所學的基本演奏技法,並進一步提高學生學習鋼琴的興趣與愛好。培養學生對所彈樂曲的認知能力,初步學習音階等基本功的練習,打好基礎功底。鋼琴學生從鋼琴團體班畢業後可以繼續上一對一的鋼琴課,並推薦學生參加考級! |
初级班 授课方式:1对6/1对8/ 1对10 招生对象:4岁以上 上课时间:45 min 课程优势:相对于一对一的教学,团体班教学形式的优势明显,特点突出。在课上学生们有了相互学习的机会,而且有了新的动力,竞争也会自然形成。对于初级学生既拥有了属于自己的学琴时间,又能在上课的过程中,学会听课,丰富作品,借鉴别人出现的问题。多样化的课堂、演奏形式和丰富全面的教学内容,使学生不单单是枯燥乏味的动动手指,而是真正培养学生的音乐素养,达到素质教育的目的。在教学形式上可以采取师生互动,同学间的互动形式,使学生真正感受到是在愉快的学习氛围中享受音乐。 课程内容:了解钢琴的基本常识,初步学习并掌握基本弹奏的手型与姿势,通过学习小乐曲和部分手指练习小曲,使学生能巩固所学的基本演奏技法,并进一步提高学生学习钢琴的兴趣与爱好。培养学生对所弹乐曲的认知能力,初步学习音阶等基本功的练习,打好基础功底。钢琴学生从钢琴团体班毕业后可以继续上一对一的钢琴课,并推荐学生参加考级! |
Group Lesson Teacher Introductions
Ms. Selena
- Graduated from San Francisco State University. Studied Piano with Dr. Roger Woodward -Member of Music Teacher National Association (MTNA) and California Association for Professional Music Teachers (CAPMT) - Taught in different location: including Kwan Music, Millbrae Recreation Center, Private teacher, Church choir pianist+ accompanist, preschool instructor at Genius - Over 10 Years Teaching Experience -Prepare students for piano exam : ABRSM International Practical/ Performance Exam -Has a lot of patience and works very well with kids and adults - Your children are very lucky to join this piano group lessons because they will learn about singing, and listening, which most individual piano classes don’t teach. Your children will be extremely interested in music and piano. 90% of the children stop learning piano after 2-3 years for 1:1 piano class because 1:1 classes are too boring for their age and kids lost interest and motivation easily. Piano students can consider adding extra one-on-one piano lessons after graduating from the piano group class, and teachers would recommend students to take the piano exam! *Please note that sign-ups are on a first-come, first-served basis and class sizes are limited. *** If a class is full, you may request to be placed on a waitlist. Thank you! Selena老師畢業於舊金山州立大學 -跟隨Roger Woodward博士學習鋼琴 - 加州專業音樂教師協會 (CAPMT) 會員 - 在不同地點教鋼琴:包括 Millbrae Recreation Center, Cupertino的 Kwan Music、私人鋼琴教師、教堂合唱團鋼琴伴奏、Genius 的Preschool導師 - 超過10年的教學經驗 - 您的孩子很幸運能夠參加鋼琴團體課,因為他們將學習唱歌和聆聽,學生們有了相互學習的機會, 多樣化的課堂並且他們將來會對音樂非常感興趣。 90%的孩子在一對一課程2-3年後不再學鋼琴,因為個別課枯燥乏味, 個別課程對於年齡小的孩子們很容易失去興趣和動力。學生從鋼琴團體班畢業後可以繼續加上一對一的鋼琴課,並推薦優秀學生準備鋼琴考試ABRSM 英國皇家鋼琴考試/和 演奏考試 *請注意,報名先到先得的原則,因為名額有限。 ** 如果鋼琴團體課名額已滿,您可以要求加入候補名單。 謝謝你! |
Ms. Leanna
-Graduated from San Jose State University -Member of Music Teachers' Association of California -Prepare students for piano exam: ABRSM International Practical/ Performance Exam and Certificate of Merit Exams -Private+ Group Piano Instructor 10 + years of teaching experience -Sunny Valley Academy owner and instructor, Sky music piano instructor, Church choir pianist+ accompanist, Little Panda Preschool Instructor -Has a lot of patience and works very well with kids and adults - Your children are very lucky to join this piano group lessons because they will learn about singing, and listening, which most individual classes don’t teach . They will be extremely interested in music and piano. 90% of the children stop learning piano after 2-3 years for 1:1 piano class because individual classes are too boring for their age. Leanna老師畢業於聖荷西州立大學大學音樂專業 -加州音樂教師協會會員 -幫助學生準備鋼琴考試:ABRSM 英國皇家鋼琴考試/演奏考試和 加州CM 考試 -私人+團體鋼琴教練 10年以上教學經驗 - Sunny Valley Academy學院老闆及導師、Sky Music鋼琴導師、教會合唱團鋼琴伴奏、小熊貓幼兒園導師 - 超過10年的教學經驗 - 您的孩子很幸運能夠參加鋼琴團體課,因為他們將學習唱歌和聆聽,學生們有了相互學習的機會, 多樣化的課堂並且他們將來會對音樂非常感興趣。 90%的孩子在一對一課程2-3年後不再學鋼琴,因為個別課枯燥乏味, 個別課程對於年齡小的孩子們很容易失去興趣和動力。學生從鋼琴團體班畢業後可以繼續加上一對一的鋼琴課,並推薦優秀學生準備鋼琴考試ABRSM 英國皇家鋼琴考試/演奏考試和 加州CM 考試 *請注意,報名先到先得的原則,因為名額有限。 ** 如果鋼琴團體課名額已滿,您可以要求加入候補名單。 謝謝你! |
Piano group lesson enrollment
Beginner class Teaching method: 1 to 6 Admission target: 4 years old or older Class time: 45 mins Course advantages: Compared with one-on-one teaching, the teaching form of group lessons has obvious advantages and outstanding characteristics. In the classroom, students have the opportunity to learn from each other, and with new motivation, competition will naturally form. For junior students, they not only have their own time to learn the piano, but also learn to listen to lectures, enrich their works, and learn from others' problems in the process of attending classes. Its diversified classroom performance forms and rich and comprehensive teaching content enable students not only to move their fingers tediously, but to truly cultivate students' musical literacy and achieve the purpose of quality education. In the form of teaching, it can take the form of teacher-student interaction and student-student interaction, so that students can really feel that they are enjoying music and learning music in a pleasant learning atmosphere. Course Content: Understand the basic knowledge of the piano, preliminarily learn and master the hand shape and posture of the basic playing, through the learning of small music and part of the finger practice of small music, so that students can consolidate the basic playing techniques learned, and further improve students' interest and hobby in learning piano, cultivate students' cognitive ability to play the music, preliminarily learn the exercise of basic skills such as scales, and lay a good foundation. |
初级班 授课方式:1对6 招生对象:4周岁以上 上课时间:45分鐘 课程优势:相对于一对一的教学,小组课教学形式的优势明显,特点突出。在课上学生们有了相互学习的机会,而且有了新的动力,竞争也会自然形成。对于初级学生既拥有了属于自己的学琴时间,又能在上课的过程中,学会听课,丰富作品,借鉴别人出现的问题。其多样化的课堂演奏形式和丰富全面的教学内容使学生不单单是枯燥乏味的动动手指,而是真正培养学生的音乐素养,达到素质教育的目的。在教学形式上可以采取师生互动,生生互动的形式,使学生真正感受到是在愉快的学习氛围中享受音乐,学习音乐。 课程内容:了解钢琴的基本常识,初步学习并掌握基本弹奏的手型与姿势,通过学习小乐曲和部分手指练习小曲,使学生能巩固所学的基本演奏技法,并进一步提高学生学习钢琴的兴趣与爱好,培养学生对所弹乐曲的认知能力,初步学习音阶等基本功的练习,打好基础功底。 |
The center offers one-on-one piano courses, professional piano teacher guidance (piano professional graduate degree or above, rich teaching experience) and recommend excellent students to participate in the examination the British Royal Examination. Please inquire for details.
Yang Hua, a Guzheng (Chinese Table Harp) soloist graduated with B.A in Music from South-China Normal University specializes in Guzheng. In her early years, she was introduced and exposed to traditional Chinese music from her artist family background. At the age of eight she starts her Guzheng journey with her aunt, Li Sai-jun, who is a famous Guzheng soloist in Hunan Province of China. In 1989, she received an excellent achievement prize from Junior Team at ART Cup International Chinese Instrument Competition.
Being an outstanding student at Affiliated Secondary school of Wuhan Conservatory of Music, Ms Yang was accepted to the University as a highest ranking student. While studying in the University, she continues educated Guzheng arts by a well-known musician Professor Chen An-hua, who is the master of Guzheng in Canton Conservatory of Music. During these years, she was praised with scholarship in brilliant and chosen as student of honor. In 2001, she won the 1st Grand prize of Music Instructor Five in One Skill Competition in China. Later, Ms Yang was invited to join the Canton National Folk Orchestra as a soloist. |
Guzheng Teacher
Ms. Yang Hua Her outstanding performances was observed and lead her to perform in many countries and regions, such as the U.S.A, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Macao, and the like. Her exquisite performance always brought her extensive recognition.
Ms. Yang also has more than 20 years ample experience in teaching Guzheng arts. She is often invited by universities, museums, and research institutes to lecture and perform. In the past years, she has given Guzheng courses at City College of San Francisco to introduce and promote Eastern culture music to the Western country. In her music career life, Ms Yang continues received recognition being an outstanding instructor from different professional associations, such as China Folk Music Orchestra Society Examination Board, Central Conservatory of Music Standard Grade Examination Committee and others. She was also invited as a judge for the Chinese Performing Artists of America (CPAA) International Folk Instrument Competition. Ms Yang is currently with the California Youth Chinese Symphony as a professional Guzheng instructor. Over the years, she has devoted to the development of guzheng performing techniques. Her teaching mission is to share, create, promote, perform and study the fine arts and musical tradition of Chinese heritage. Yang Hua is an excellent Guzheng musician of exquisite skills and charming performance in nowadays. |
Guzheng Teacher
Ms. Chiffon Fu
Chinese and After School Teachers
-六藝中文學校主任 -獲得兒童發展學士學位 -有一個熱情的信念,學習應該對孩子來說很有趣 -相信幼兒教育對孩子的成長和發展很重要 -愛孩子,喜歡和孩子一起工作 *專業經驗 - 六藝中文學校校長 - 與米爾布雷娛樂部合作20幾年 -夏令營/課後和雙語班主任 -New World Child Development Center 教師 -米爾布雷蒙特梭利學校導師 - 幼稚園助理教師/Sonshine幼稚園代課老師 -臺灣富高幼稚園老師 *學歷 -加利福尼亞州兒童發展碩士教師許可證 - 太平洋橡樹學院幼兒教育學士學位 - 蒙特梭利幼兒教師證書,蒙特梭利教師教育中心 - Cañada College學院幼兒教育學士 |
Chinese and After School Teacher
Teacher Tsai -Director of 6 Skills Chinese School -Obtains a B.A. degree in Child Development -Has a passionate belief that learning should be fun for children -Believes that Early Childhood Education is important in a child’s growth and development -Loves children and enjoys working with children *Professional Experience - Director /Principal of 6 Skills Chinese School - Collaborate with Millbrae Recreation Department for over 20 years -Director of Summer Camp/ After School and Bilingual Chinese Classes -Teacher at New World Child Development Center -Teacher at Millbrae Montessori School - Assistant Teacher at Preschool /Substitute Teacher at Sonshine Preschool -Teacher at Fu Kao Kindergarten in Taiwan *Education -Child Development Master Teacher Permit of the State of California - B.A. degree in Early Childhood Education , Pacific Oaks College -Montessori Early Childhood Head Teacher Certificate, Montessori Teacher Education Center - A.S. Degree in Early Childhood Education , Cañada College |
姓名: Michelle Chen中文教師 學校:華夏大學 資歷 幼兒採購行政人員3年 幼兒園老師3年 幼稚園特教助教老師2年 國小特教助教老師3年 幼兒中文學校老師6 年 教學理念 看見孩子的成長及進步,就是自己最大的成就及快樂。就讀頭城家商幼保科,隨後進入華夏大學畢業幼兒園多年教學中我本著一顆童心、愛心、信心,始終如一地對待每一個家長和孩子,我的性格開朗、熱情大方。在教幼兒知識時我看到幼兒露出那天真的笑臉和提出幼稚的問題時,我都會很有耐心的一一回答。努力的去了解小朋友,並且將這份努力與希望散播的每一個角落,看著自己的教具及活動獲得小朋友的喜愛,心中會有無限的成就感。與小朋友相處是我的興趣,所以我會將盡我所有的努力,去完成我對他們的期待與喜歡。 |
Chinese Teacher
*Professional Experience & Education Name: Michelle Chen Graduated from Taiwan Huaxia University 3 years experience of kindergarten teacher 3 years experience of kindergarten special education assistant teacher 2 years of elementary school teaching assistant 3 years of volunteer for storytelling 6 years of Chinese children school teacher Teaching Philosophy I always believe that every children can grow up with love and confidence. I am happy to seeing children's growth and progress. It is one of my greatest achievement and happiness. When I see my students ask questions, I always answer them patiently. I always try my best to teach them and help them understanding and exploring every class. When I see my students enjoying my lessons and activities, I always feel extremely accomplished. I love to communicate with children, so I do my best to give them love and patience. |
Teacher Jia ping 黃嘉平
學歷:台灣輔仁大學中文系 經歷:台灣台北立人小學教師 北半島中文學校教師 益智中文學校教師 六藝中文學校教師 專長:敎案設計 中國文化介紹 Education: Department of Chinese, Fu Jen University, Taiwan Experience: -Teacher at Liren Primary School in Taipei, Taiwan -Teacher at The North Peninsula Chinese School -Puzzle Chinese school teacher -Teacher of The Six Arts Chinese School Specialty: Case design Introduction to Chinese culture |
中文老师 :陳老师
个人简历 工作经历:2003年9月至 2021年9月为中国广 西省柳市公园路小学担任教师. 工作职位:语文老师兼班主任(1.制定相关培训项 目的结构和细节,负责每个培训项目的整体实施 计划。2.班级常态学习与生活的规划和管理, 教育程度:1998年9月至 2001年7月毕业于广 西柳州师范学校。2001年9月至 2003年7月毕 业于广西柳州职业技术学院。 技能证书:教师资格证、普通话水平二级、高级 教师资格证 |
Chinese Teacher Chen
Work experience: September 2003 to September 2021 for China Wide Teacher at Park Road Elementary School in Liushi, West Province. Employed in Liuzhou Vocational and Technical College, Guangxi. Plans: 1. Formulate relevant training items Purpose structure and details, responsible for the overall implementation of each training program Plan. 2. Planning and management of normal learning and life in the classroom, Education: Graduated from Guangzhou from September 1998 to July 2001 Graduated from Xiliuzhou Normal School from September 2001 to July 2003 Skill certificate: Teacher qualification certificate, Mandarin proficiency level 2, advanced Teacher qualification certificate |
本校學生Leonardo Raguindin 和Ariel Raguindin參加2021年華僑救國聯合總會的僑聯文教基金會舉辦的繪畫比賽榮獲佳作,本校師生咸感振奮。Leonardo Raguindin 和Ariel Raguindin是本校繪畫班的學生,在本校文桂川老師的指導下,繪畫技巧有長足的進步。此次他們兄妹兩人分別報名10~13年級組及6~9年級組的比賽,在眾多競爭者中獲此獎項,不只是他們個人的努力獲得肯定,本校也備感殊榮。
Ted Wen Statement
Ted Wen’s exhibition history began in 1995 while he was still working toward his MFA at the Academy of Art College in San Francisco. He graduated in 1996 and has received awards in over half of the fifty exhibitions and competitions he has entered. Wen’s works were featured in over a hundred publications and were selected for the covers of several national art magazines and newspapers. Ted Wen’s paintings are a reflection of his own dreams and life experiences, often set in a pose between realism and surrealism. They reveal his wondering and curious soul. His paintings deliver the message of his life , with feelings of joy, love , warmer, innocence, peaceful, unbound, mysterious, and curiosity. For almost twenty years Mr. Wen has devoted himself to teaching art to both children and adults at some of the finest schools in Northern California and in Taiwan. He teaches oil painting, oil pastel, watercolor, drawing, sketch, color pencil, Acrylic, pottery and 3D mixed media, always stressing creativity and individual development. 簡歷
文桂川老師的展覽歷史始於1995年,當時他還在舊金山藝術學院攻讀藝術碩士學位。他於1996年畢業,在他參加的五十個展覽和比賽中,有一半以上獲獎。文桂川老師的作品被一百多家刊物刊登,並被選入多家國家藝術雜誌和報紙的封面,他的畫作反映了他自己的夢想和生活經歷,經常設置在現實主義和超現實主義之間的姿勢。它們揭示了他好奇和好奇的靈魂。他的畫作傳達了他一生的信息,充滿了喜悅,愛,溫暖,天真,和平,無拘無束,神秘和好奇的感覺。近二十年來,文老師一直致力於在北加州和臺灣一些最好的學校為兒童和成人教授藝術。他教授油畫,油彩,水彩,素描,素描,彩色鉛筆,丙烯酸,陶器和3D混合媒體,始終強調創造力和個人發展。 |
Abacus Teachers
OAAA 環字珠心算學術學會Abacus teacher
Ms. Chen and Ms. Tsai have 20 years experience teaching Abacus to children of all ages and are proud members of the Orion Abacus Association. Through their teaching they strive to help children gain exceptional Abacus skills and knowledge. They have taught many students who have won awards for their prestigious understanding and mastery of Abacus. |
English / Computer / Math Teacher
毕业于中国著名舞蹈学府-北京舞蹈学院古典舞专业. 11岁进入舞蹈学校专业学习中国传统舞蹈,大学毕业后在国家级舞蹈团担任舞蹈演员,表演舞蹈风格多样,参加多届上海电视台/中央电视台春晚表演,国际艺术节表演.超过上千场的舞台表演经验,2002年开始少儿舞蹈教学工作,至今已有20年的丰富教学经验。教授的学生考入专业舞蹈学校,在美国国际舞蹈大赛多次获得金奖. |
Teacher Fan Yang 楊帆老師(舞蹈)
The founder of the school is a member of the Chinese Dancers Association Graduated from Beijing Dance Academy, a famous dance school in China, majoring in classical dance. At the age of 11, Fan Yang entered the dance school to learn traditional Chinese dance, and after graduating from university, Fan Yang worked as a dancer in the national dance troupe, performing in a variety of dance styles, participating in the Spring Festival Gala performance of Shanghai TELEVISION/CCTV for many times, and performing at the International Arts Festival. With more than 1,000 stage performances, Fan Yang began teaching children's dance in 2002 and has 20 years of rich teaching experience. The professor's students are admitted to professional dance schools and have won gold medals at the American International Dance Competition several times. |

羅天樂教授(professor Joshua Law)執教Ukulele夏威夷四弦吉他班 / 唱歌班。羅教授曾任教於舊金山市立大學音樂系40多年,教授獨唱、合唱團和東亞音樂。在職期間他每年平均主辦八個大小型的音樂會,包括合唱、獨唱、世界民族音樂、樂隊和獨唱比賽。
Professor Joshua Law has taught voice, choir and East Asian music at City College of San Francisco formore than 40 years. He has directed the oratorio chorus of the College, which, under his baton, hasperformed numerous major choral masterworks every semester. He is proficient in playing various stringinstruments.
Professor Joshua Law has taught voice, choir and East Asian music at City College of San Francisco formore than 40 years. He has directed the oratorio chorus of the College, which, under his baton, hasperformed numerous major choral masterworks every semester. He is proficient in playing various stringinstruments.
古箏課程由楊華老師、王霓陽老師 、王夢儀Gloria老師、傅旭芳老師親自指導,從小深耕優美的國樂素養
鋼琴名師教導鋼琴班,胡老師、雷老師、王老師 教學經驗豐富,更具耐心與愛心,將理論與實力彈奏技巧充分授予學生,並輔導學生參加鋼琴等級檢定
珠心算班由教學經驗豐富的蔡老師、陳老師、魏老師、張老師 OAA 環字珠心算學會員 負責教授,分有個別班及團體班。並輔導學生參加珠算、心算等級檢定